BREAK FAST :- Vegetarian @ Rs.75/- person (including delivery and service charges)

Non Vegetarian @ Rs.125/ person (including delivery and service charges)

LUNCH :-         Vegetarian @ Rs.125/- person (including delivery and service charges)

Non Vegetarian @ Rs.145/ person (including delivery and service charges)

DINNER :-        Vegetarian @ Rs.85/- person (including delivery and service charges)

Non Vegetarian @ Rs.145/ person (including delivery and service charges)

Advance booking needed at least 15 days to keep the desired special day to serve the food as charity.and patrons can select the orphanages, or organisations which the food to be served.
 is nonprofit making concept to provide foods to the poor through the orphanages, welfare organizations, schools etc. The concept is aimed to render the service to the broadminded people to organize the food charity or supply of foods to the people belongs to the poor category.